Wednesday, February 14, 2007

3rd Group-meeting

Venue: COIT

-we were required to prepare for the first presentation on portal.
-So we discussed and decided witch part of the blog should be presented, for example why we used www.ink2u.blogspot as our url.
-And then we picked tree presenter to present the blog and every presenter will present different part of the blog.

Process module
-Lecturer, Mrs. Badariah gave each group a transparency OHP paper to draw the tracking progress of the portal project.
-On the OHP paper we need to create the phases, steps and activities regarding the portal development which is part of the planning and managing project.
-Somehow, only few groups manage to present as madam didn't satisfied with the progress requirements.
-So all groups including ours, submit the OHP so that madam may correcting and suggest the new phases, steps or activities.

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